Join me on this windy morning as I’m in my motorhome testing out a linux based laptop for podcast editing. I’m joined for a coffee by my dear friend and guest of the live show, Nik. I give a quick overview of my “remote working” setup and share my passion for good coffee and the freedom that comes from having a motorhome.
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Video Transcript:
Good morning! So no prizes for recognising this place if you’ve seen episode 43 or 44 of the live show.
I’m back in the motorhome this morning and look I’m just gonna share the weather with you because I was going to go for a run but it’s absolutely blowing again I don’t know if you can see that out there and, yeah not the best. It has stopped raining now so that’s good but I’m gonna probably go for a run later on this afternoon when the weather hopefully picks up a bit.
But I’m actually just in the process of creating the podcast from episode 46 so this is Audacity which is an open source audio package and there’s my notes from the show.
So literally finished the show last night and what I always do after the show is I watch it back straight after the show, start making notes in particular what I’m focused on here is the the links to various things that were mentioned in the show because as you know it’s a live show I don’t know really what I’m gonna discuss. I know what the topics are but I don’t know what I’m gonna be saying specifically on tour we’re in the show so there’s no script as such.
And so quite often what happens is I’m mentioning things and then afterwards I have to go through it again and make sure I’ve got all the links to the things I’ve mentioned ready.
And then the audio software here is where I clean up the audio get rid of the bumper at the start and at the end and create the audio podcast.
But before that it’s early start to the day and it was a late and Thursday’s the live show finishes what about 10 o’clock 10:30pm and then I have to watch the show back again so that’s another hour so it is quite a late day on a Thursday.
So before I do anything I’m gonna treat myself to a very nice coffee got everything set up and how nice are these mugs. My sister got me a pair of these I said the other day which is literally just at the end of December and we’re just it’s kind of mid-January now.
So anyway yeah get get the coffee going then the gray cells will start firing off a bit better then I’m gonna be doing the podcast. And when that’s done I’m actually gonna be hopefully meeting up with Nik who’s been one of the guys you’ve seen on the live show.
I’m going to be lending him that book that I’ve been mentioning because he’s quite interested in looking into that stuff as well. But for now I just really wanted to connect with you and say hello this is the mobile office and
try and be as flexible as possible because it’s nice to be able to go and see people. I really value face-to-face live shows great doing stuff online is great but there is no there’s no better way of meeting people than face-to-face and so maybe one day I’ll be meeting you who knows. But this just gives you a little bit more of an insight into the work involved.
I’m testing this laptop out this is the one I was showing you the other day so I want to see how well it can perform at doing things like the audio processing and stuff like that. So I will let you know and if you listen to the podcast then you will know as well because you’ll get to listen to episode 46 the podcast very soon.
But for now coffee is calling, work is calling, the weather is definitely not calling but when it picks up a bit later on then hopefully I’ll be able to get out there and go for a nice long run and just enjoy the lovely seafront Westgate-on-Sea. You take care have a good day wherever you are God bless you.
Me: Alright Nick, cheers.
Nik: What have you got here for me now?
Me: This is that book I was telling you about.
Nik: Ah thank you.
Me: Because I’m going to be reading something else. If you look there’s notes in the corner, like, in some of the pages I’ve pulled things back and there’s notes,
Links to resources mentioned:
I’ve mentioned a few things above so I thought I’d share links to them in case they are useful for you. Enjoy!
- Live show episode 44 video:
- Live show episode 44 Podcast:
- Audacity Open Source Audio Software:
- Podcast episode 46, the one I’m editing in this video:
- The Live Show: